"...What did women do when men made history? Women were somewhere, and they were decidedly active; they did not exist suspended in a timeless vacuum awaiting the return of men with the meat or the treaty, or in anticipation of their singular, anomalous appearances in a few sources." Gunlög Fur
HIST 052: The Role of Women in the History of the U.S.
Course #17160
Spring 2022 (online, 2nd 8 weeks - begins April 11)
This course will survey women’s roles throughout U.S. History. Special emphasis will be placed on the construction of gender through work and family. The influence of race, ethnicity, and status on women will also be explored as well as an analysis of primary source documentation. You will be required to participate in discussions and be an active learner in this class. Much of your time will be spent reading and writing - being able to convey your thoughts verbally and in essay format is a skill that takes time and practice thus you will have ample opportunity to practice. THIS COURSE IS 100% ONLINE.
Access your LACCD portal: mycollege.laccd.edu Access Canvas for LACCD: ilearn.laccd.edu We will use the following text for this class: Through Women's Eyes: An American History with Documents, Ed. 5 by DuBois & Dumenil ISBN: 978-1-319-15610-7 Course SyllabusFall 2021